大战略的协调性-基础与现实 The Coordination of Grand Strategy:Fundation and Reality
http://lchen2012.blog.163.com ; https://www.facebook.com/ChenLian2016 ; http://blog.chinadaily.com.cn/space-uid-2060649.html
The Coordination of Grand Strategy:Fundation and Reality
By CHEN Lian
(President and Professor, Strategy and EIC Reseach Institute & )
In those works deepening the understanding of the grand strategy, the coordination problems appears naturally many times, but the role and rules of the coordination is less specifically analyzed. On the basis of defining connotation of the coordination of the grand strategy, the paper analyzes the obstacles to the coordination, and also the foundation of the organization and function of the coordination. According to the realistic evaluating to China’s current strategic environment, the paper further discusses the plan maintaining coordination, such as the construction of strategic core capability, the strategic response under pressure of outside shock, the gradient balance of the growth and diffusion of the advantage, the trans-border strategic control, and emphasizes the supporting role of the “human” in the strategic coordination. Through the relevant analysis, this paper hopes to highlight the importance of the grand strategy coordination perspective, enhancing the further discussion of the strategic operation pattern, and even to some extent, promote the reconstruction of the current strategic competition situation.
Key Words: Grand strategy, strategic coordination, realistic evaluating, China
The Coordination of Grand Strategy:Fundation and Reality
By CHEN Lian
(President and Professor, Strategy and EIC Reseach Institute & )
In those works deepening the understanding of the grand strategy, the coordination problems appears naturally many times, but the role and rules of the coordination is less specifically analyzed. On the basis of defining connotation of the coordination of the grand strategy, the paper analyzes the obstacles to the coordination, and also the foundation of the organization and function of the coordination. According to the realistic evaluating to China’s current strategic environment, the paper further discusses the plan maintaining coordination, such as the construction of strategic core capability, the strategic response under pressure of outside shock, the gradient balance of the growth and diffusion of the advantage, the trans-border strategic control, and emphasizes the supporting role of the “human” in the strategic coordination. Through the relevant analysis, this paper hopes to highlight the importance of the grand strategy coordination perspective, enhancing the further discussion of the strategic operation pattern, and even to some extent, promote the reconstruction of the current strategic competition situation.
Key Words: Grand strategy, strategic coordination, realistic evaluating, China
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1110 川普胜选演说 全文翻译) 2016.11.10 09:59 0:00:00 /0:15:08 11月9日凌晨,出其不意击败民主党对手并当选第45任美国总统的唐纳德·川普 在纽约竞选总部发表胜选讲话。他呼吁各方支持者团结起来,并誓言要做所有美 国人的总统。...
通告: TEMU 特木与外向的市场开发 03/22 陈联教授讲座 TB404 ,多媒体杂志《战略研究》, SERI 战略网校
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